So you want to attend the Rugby World Cup in 2023?

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6 November 2019
With the Springboks back from Japan with the highest accolade in the sport, the entire country is buzzing with excitement. Thinking forward to the Rugby World Cup in 2023, I’d like to tell you that going to watch it live is actually a possibility.

For die-hard rugby fans, there are few things more rewarding than experiencing a live game and throwing their weight behind their national team while discovering a new city. Yet many South African rugby fans never get to live this experience because they have no savings set aside for this once in lifetime journey.

But what if you could change that?

The 2023 Rugby World Cup is to be hosted in France and looking at various travel packages related to the 2019 event, suggests you will probably need roughly R 50 000 per person sharing to be part of this piece of history.

With roughly 4 years to plan, what are the numbers you need to crunch to make sure you get there? If we plug these numbers into our unique Holiday Calculator we can come up with a couple of scenarios for you:

Scenario 1:

If we adjust for inflation at 6% per year, you will need to make sure you have saved roughly R63 100 by July 2023 (Allowing all your Visas etc. to be ready a couple of months in advance). If we assume you start off with a R 5 000 lump sum and invest it with OUTvest, in our recommended fund, you will need to save about R 1 060 per month, escalating at 6% per annum.

Scenario 2:

If you are able to start off with a R 10 000 lump sum, your contribution amount will drop to about R 940 per month – escalating at 6% per annum we estimate that you will have saved between R53 300 and R74 100 by July 2023.

World Cup 2023 can be within reach!

Often when we look at a savings goal such as a major holiday, we feel that the goal is insurmountable because it feels too big to achieve. When we start to breakdown the target amount into smaller bite-sized pieces (like R 940 / R1 060 per month), we start to build disciplined savings plans and avoid funding the trip with debt!

If you are unhappy sitting on the couch in 2019, set up your savings goal for 2023 and make sure you’re on the plane to France when the next Rugby World Cup kicks off. With OUTvest any holiday dream you might have could be closer than you think.


Marc Ashton
OUTvest is an authorised FSP.  All investments are exposed to risk, dependant on the performance of the underlying investments and not guaranteed.  Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The Holiday Calculator are based on internal research.
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