The OUTvest Living Annuity

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7 December 2023
Retirement – a word that means so much to some and less to others, but something we at OUTvest take extremely seriously. On that note we are proud to announce that our OUTvest Living Annuity Product is live and in place to assist clients with their retirement income needs.

The OUTvest Living Annuity (LA) is designed to help those requiring a managed income in their retirement years. Through the use of our award-winning digital investment technology we are able to carve out a tailor-made retirement plan for our clients to help with their unique retirement income needs.

Living Annuities are highly regulated products designed to provide an income for investors in their retirement years. There are a few regulatory limitations and restrictions that exist to ensure clients’ best interests are protected when investing in these products. In a previous article we unpacked some of the salient features and the mechanics of a LA. It is always good to ensure you are familiar with these features before choosing to invest in a LA, to view this article please click here.

Awesome features of the OUTvest LA

Income Sustainability Projections

Our clients are able to access real time income projections and sustainability calculations based on their capital available at retirement. Our user-friendly graph allows clients to take a peek into the future to see how far their estimated income could stretch.

Clients can also see the “danger zone”, as we call it, where drawing too much income from the LA is not sustainable as well as the resulting negative impact on the capital and income for life.

Clients have a choice between drawing a monthly, quarterly, biannual or annual income thus allowing greater flexibility for a client to better plan each coming year.

Our best sustainable income advice based on our clients’ circumstances adjusts their annual income to keep up with the negative effects of inflation over time. Thus ensuring their income offsets the rising costs of living each year.

Portfolio Transparency

We offer a set of well diversified unit trusts with exposure to both local and international markets as well as one offshore exchange traded fund (ETF). We have studied the behavior of local and global markets through data showing the last 120 years of how investment markets behave and built this knowledge into our best advice offering.

Clients can see exactly where and how their money is invested within the various asset classes in order to better understand the risk and return expectation of their LA. They can even look through each asset class right down to the individual holdings of the various constituents within the unit trusts both locally and internationally.

We are passionate about managing income for our clients and keeping the investment mix optimal is paramount to us.  

Simple Beneficiary Management

Ensuring your beneficiaries are always up to date is vital when you have a LA so that in the event of your death your correct beneficiaries will inherit. Our online system allows you to login and quickly update your beneficiary nominations electronically. No hassle and no paperwork required. 

Low Fees

Keeping fees low can positively impact the outcomes for clients and even extend the number of years they can earn income. Through the use of our digital investment platform we offer speed and efficiency while keeping costs low, Clients can access a fee comparison tool to test our LA fees against other providers and so help our clients make an informed decision.

Phase-in Option

A convenient phase-in option is available when setting up a new OUTvest LA for those investors that prefer to slowly enter the market and possibly take advantage of a smooth transition.

Transfers In

A seamless process is in place to help clients transfer other existing LAs they may have to OUTvest. We take care of all the admin with our team of administration experts. No tax is incurred when transferring LAs between service providers.


For those that enjoy doing their own thing we have a customization functionality where you can blend your own investment funds, choose your draw rates and payment frequencies. You can compare your customized set up against our best professional advice to see how you stack up.

We will still warn you where we think your income becomes unsustainable and where the danger zones lie in your set up. So despite you going it alone, our best advice and guidance is always present to help you make an informed investment decision.

Always On

Our clients have 24/7/365 online access to their investment portfolio where they can check everything that is important to know about their LA. Ensuring full transparency and keeping our clients informed is always top of our minds.

As with all OUTvest products we know that the human touch is important and as such our team of skilled advisors are just a call away to help support with any queries pertaining to the OUTvest LA.



Gareth van Deventer CFP®

OUTvest is an authorised FSP. All investments are exposed to risk, not guaranteed and dependent on the performance of the underlying assets. Ts and Cs apply.
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